Friday, January 25, 2013

New Additions

*This was written a couple weeks ago and I completely forgot to post it. Whoops.

As a final wrap up to 2012, there were a couple new additions to our family! The first was this cute little boy:

I have wanted a chocolate/black lab for awhile and two days after Christmas I found Jazz for a super good deal and so I bought him! My mom was with me when I got him, but my dad had no clue until I sent him this picture with the caption "Merry Christmas to me!" He responded by calling my mom asking what that was and who it belonged to. 

The second addition is my new cousin Madison Kay. She is Jolyn and Chris' little girl. She is so awesome. I have already decided I am going to be her favorite. And she is adorable. Last week I spent two afternoons just holding her. I need  a baby in my immediate family.

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